Welcome to OASFAA 2023-2024!
One reason that I love working in the financial aid industry is that there’s always something new to learn. I don’t know how many of us expected to get so many new things to learn at one time, but I firmly believe that this is where OASFAA shines.
If you are new to aid, to Ohio, or just to OASFAA, I’d like to welcome you to join us on what will be one of the most exciting years in financial aid history. All aid professionals, both new and seasoned, will be wading the waters of what FAFSA simplification means and how it all actually works – together.
OASFAA has so many opportunities to learn with and from each other: trainings for high school counselors and college access professionals, regional meetings where hot topics and hand calcs happen, NASFAA credentialing opportunities in all areas of the state, Directors’ Day, Brown Bag lunches and additional informational webinars, federal and state update emails, the OASFAA newsletter, our website, and of course, the annual conference! We are proud to be hosting the Chenelle Leadership class again this year, and introducing a mentoring component for those class members for the first time.
As the saying goes, “Many hands make light the load,” and OASFAA has so many places for an extra pair of hands! If you’d like to join our fun and help with any of the activities previously mentioned, please volunteer and we will get you connected with a committee. If you have any questions at all about how you can help or where you might be of the most assistance, please feel free to reach out to me.
I am both thrilled and honored to serve as your OASFAA president during this most memorable year in our profession. I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you at OASFAA events this year and celebrating surviving all of the changes thrown at us from every direction at our annual conference in April. Thank you for the opportunity to lead this wonderful group in 2023-2024, and thank you all for all of your hard work to assist students here in Ohio.
Jayme Jarrett, Bluffton University 2023-2024 OASFAA President
Past Presidents